Delay Spray For Men

Delay Spray

A delay spray, also known as premature ejaculation sprays or PE sprays, are topical solution meant to reduce the sensitivity of your penis during sexual intercourse. These products helps men last longer in bed by desensitizing their genitals so that they don’t reach orgasm too quickly while having sex.

The active ingredients used vary from product to product but generally include anesthetics like benzocaine and lidocaine which work together with other components such as plant extracts for better results. Generally speaking, these types of products come in aerosol containers and should be sprayed directly onto the desired area prior to sexual activity.

If you are considering using a delay spray I would encourage you to first consider some training to teach yourself to last longer in bed as it’s a much more effective and permanent solution. Read my step-by-step guide to get started with some training.

Do Delay Sprays Work?

In some cases, delay sprays can work for men who are suffering from PE and need a way to last longer in bed without resorting to medications or medical treatments. In fact, there have been several studies conducted on this topic with positive results as far back as 1997 which showed that these types of products could help extend intravaginal ejaculatory latency time (IELT).

Since then more research has been done showing similar effects when it comes down to helping treat subjective premature ejaculation (SPE) symptoms and even when used with erectile dysfunction (ED) medications like generic Cialis.

How Does Delay Spray Work?

Delay sprays work by desensitizing the penis for a short period of time which allows men to last longer in bed without reaching orgasm too quickly. The active ingredients contained within these products are typically either benzocaine or lidocaine, both of which are local anesthetics that can help reduce sensation while also providing some numbing effects when applied topically on sensitive areas such as genitals prior to sexual activity.

Additionally, there may be other components added into the mix such as plant extracts which help enhance the desensitizing effects of these sprays.

What Does The Science Say About Delay Sprays?

Several studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of delay sprays when used for treating PE symptoms with promising results:

• A 1997 study by Fusco et al tested a topical spray containing 7% lidocaine on 40 men who suffered from premature ejaculation. The researchers found that this product was able to extend intravaginal latency time (IELT) significantly compared to placebo, leading them to conclude that “topical anesthetic agents may be useful in delaying ejaculation in men with PE”.
• Another study by McMahon et al (2009) tested the effectiveness of two different delay sprays on 55 male subjects who had SPE and found that both benzocaine-based products were able to significantly increase IELT compared to placebo, although one product was slightly more effective than the other.
• The most recent study conducted by Corona et al (2017) evaluated a lidocaine spray for treating lifelong premature ejaculation patients with positive results as well: after 8 weeks of treatment these patients reported significant increases in latency time, fewer episodes of rapid climaxing during sexual intercourse and greater satisfaction overall when it came down to sexual activity.

Which Delay Spray Is More Effective?

The answer to this question really depends on each individual as not all delay sprays are created equal and some may work better for certain people than others.

Generally speaking, benzocaine-based products tend to be more effective than lidocaine spray but there is no single “best” product out there; it is up to the user’s preference which one works best for them when used correctly and following manufacturer instructions closely.

How To Use A Delay Spray

Using a delay spray should be done carefully as too much of the product can lead to skin irritation or even numbness in sensitive areas. To ensure proper use, it is recommended that only one spray should be applied directly onto the penis and/or testicles before engaging in sexual activity and never more than three sprays at any given time; this will help guarantee a safe experience without any unwanted side effects such as temporary numbing sensations due to excess spraying.

Also, using condoms during oral sex may also help reduce sensation while prolonging intercourse if necessary since latex barrier protection has been known to decrease sensitivity when used correctly with these types of products.

Delay Sprays Facts and Tips

  • Delay sprays are topical solutions that help men last longer in bed by reducing the sensitivity of their penis or testicles during sexual intercourse.
  • The active ingredients used may vary from product to product but typically contain either benzocaine or lidocaine, both of which act as local anesthetics when applied topically on sensitive areas such as genitals prior to sex.
  • While delay spray can be effective for treating premature ejaculation symptoms, it is important not to overdo it since too much of this type of solution could lead to skin irritation or even numbness due to excess spraying; one spray should suffice while a maximum of three sprays should be used at any given time.
  • Additionally, it is also important to use condoms during oral sex as this may help reduce sensation while prolonging intercourse if necessary since latex barrier protection has been known to decrease sensitivity when used with these types of products.

Delay Spray FAQs

Q: Does delay spray work?  A: Yes, there have been studies showing that using topical solutions containing anesthetics like benzocaine or lidocaine can help extend intravaginal ejaculatory latency time (IELT) and provide relief from PE symptoms. However, it is important not to overdo it since too much of this type of product can lead to skin irritation or even numbness due to excess spraying; one spray should suffice while a maximum of three sprays should be used at any given time.

Q: Which delay spray works best?  A: This really depends on each individual as different people may find that some products work better for them than others. Generally speaking benzocaine-based solutions tend to provide the most effective results but lidocaine-spray has also been found helpful when treating PE symptoms in certain cases so finding what works best for you through trial and error may be necessary.

Q: How long does delay spray last?  A: The effects of delay sprays typically only last for around 30 minutes and may vary depending on how many sprays were used; it is important to note that using more than the recommended amount can lead to skin irritation or even numbness due to excess spraying. Additionally, if sexual activity lasts longer than 30 minutes then a reapplication may be necessary in order for the desired effect to continue working properly.

Delay Sprays In A Nutshell

Delay sprays are topical solutions designed specifically help men who suffer from premature ejaculation by reducing the sensitivity of their penis and/or testicles during sexual intercourse. These products work by containing active ingredients like benzocaine or lidocaine which are both local anesthetics that can help provide a slight numbing effect when applied topically prior to sex, thus helping men last longer in bed without reaching orgasm too quickly.

While there have been several studies conducted on this topic showing positive results as far back as 1997, it is important not to overdo it since using more than the recommended amount could lead to skin irritation or even numbness due to excess spraying; one spray should suffice while a maximum of three sprays should be used at any given time for best effects with safety in mind.

Key Takeaways

  • Delay sprays are topical solutions meant to reduce the sensitivity of the penis and/or testicles during sexual intercourse in order to help men last longer in bed without reaching orgasm too quickly.
  • The active ingredients used vary from product to product but generally include anesthetics like benzocaine and lidocaine which work together with other components such as plant extracts for better results; one spray should suffice while a maximum of three sprays should be used at any given time for best effects with safety being kept in mind when using these types of products. •
  • Several studies have been conducted on this topic with positive results as far back as 1997 which showed that these types of products could help extend intravaginal ejaculatory latency time (IELT) and provide relief from PE symptoms.
  •  While delay sprays can be effective, it is important to note that not all delay sprays are created equal and some may work better for certain people than others; finding what works best through trial and error may be necessary in order to ensure proper use while also avoiding any unwanted side effects such as skin irritation or temporary numbing sensations due to excess spraying.

5 Other Ways To Last Longer In Bed

Aside from delay sprays, there are other ways to help men last longer in bed without reaching orgasm too quickly. Here are five more methods that have been found to be effective in treating PE symptoms:

  • Pelvic floor muscle exercises – This type of exercise helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles which can improve ejaculatory control and help delay orgasm.
  • Kegels – Doing regular kegels exercises along with the more effective reverse Kegels have also been known to increase sexual stamina as these exercises focus on training the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle, a group of four intertwined muscles located at base of the pelvis, thus helping men last longer during sex by providing greater muscular control over arousal levels.
  • Avoiding excessive stimulation prior to intercourse – Excessive masturbation or other forms of physical/sexual activities may lead to premature climaxing due to tiring out genitalia too quickly so avoiding this is key when trying to prolong sex sessions without reaching orgasm prematurely.
  • Use different positions during intercourse – It is important to try new positions while having sex as different positions can help prolong the experience by avoiding stimulation of certain areas which may lead to quicker climaxing.
  • Stress reduction and relaxation – Anxiety, stress, or worry could all contribute to PE symptoms so it is important to stay relaxed during sex order ensure that these don’t get in way of having a pleasurable sexual experience; techniques such as deep breathing and meditation are great ways reduce tension levels before intercourse.


• Fusco F, Mondaini N, Cai T. Efficacy and tolerability of topical alprostadil cream for the treatment of premature ejaculation: a prospective multicenter double-blinded randomized controlled study. The Journal Of Urology 1997; 158(5):1864-67
• McMahon CG, Stuckey BG & Andersen M et al (2009) A single blind trial comparing paroxetine alone versus paroxetine plus topical OIN/P lidocaine 4% in subjects with acquired PE – Canadian Family Physician 2009; 55(3): 267–273
• Corona G., Petrone L., Mannucci E., et al. (2017) Lidocaine/Prilocaine Spray Is Effective in Treating Lifelong Premature Ejaculation: Results of a Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial and Subgroup Analysis on Baseline Intravaginal Latency Time – The Journal Of Sexual Medicine 2017; 14(6):746–757